Building Your Author Community

Building Your Author Community: Digital Techniques to Build an Author Brand That Precedes You

In today’s digital age, your success as an author extends far beyond the pages of your books. Building a strong online community is now essential to establish yourself as an influential figure, connect with your readers on a deeper level, and attract opportunities for collaboration and promotion.  So how can you build the kind of…

Seo For Authors

Struggling to Command Attention Online? Here’s Why SEO for Authors and Public Speakers Matters

Since fighting against the challenges of digital innovation won’t get you anywhere, it’s time to get strategic. How can you make the most of what digital solutions can do for your online visibility as an author or speaker? Nobody ever said that standing out in the digital age was easy. But luckily for you, it…

Digital Marketing For Authors
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Digital Marketing for Authors: A Step-By-Step Guide to Taking Your Author Voice Online

Like it or not, an online presence is super-important when it comes to capturing your reader’s attention and cementing your position as a leading figure in your area of expertise. Even for authors targeting the most traditional readers, effective digital marketing strategies are now essential for creating awareness for your author brand and building meaningful…

Power Of Personal Branding For Writers

The Power of Personal Branding for Writers: 4 Innovative Ways Non-Fiction Authors Can Stand Out Online

In the era of self-publishing and the growing significance of online platforms for book discovery, online marketing has become a valuable tool for authors. When it comes to showcasing your personal brand as a non-fiction author, you can set yourself apart from the competition with a strategic, creative, and personalized approach to your online presence….

Photo of book stacked on windowsill with plant

Boost Amazon Sales and Visibility with Your Own Website

As an author, you’ve poured your heart and soul into getting your non-fiction book written and published. But your passion goes so much deeper than words on the page. Maybe you want to teach workshops around the concepts in your book. Maybe you dream of being on the stage helping larger numbers of people benefit…